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A member registered Jul 12, 2020

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Absolutely love this game replayed about 6 times at this point now and it still doesn't get old xD Love your work! It's incredibly detailed and alluring, with great pace and most importantly I simply adore each and every character! The biggest miracle of them all - MCs personality doesn't piss me off or make me roll my eyes - shocking! a well written mature character with adequate reactions and fears, someone call Vatican, miracles do happen!  I also appreciate the visual threads where we can find some inspiration on how to imagine the whole world of The crown. :)  Great job! Ps. I recently found this playlist that's kind of my "official" soundtrack for this game I always put on everytime I do another playthrough :D 

Absolutely loved it! Hope it's not an abandoned project, that would just crush my heart

(1 edit)

Hey All! There has been a question that has been reaaaally gnawing at me xD. At first i thought that honorable/good/cunning and harsh would be a choices to mold our characters personality. But it seems that i only manage to raise good(tact) for my ambassador, cunning for nomad and honor for knight(shame, i really wanted to make evil calculating cunning/harsh knight ...muahahahaaa, but oh well xD) Back to the point, the question IS, is there a point maxing those "prefered" stats for each background then? So far i finished all 5 chapters with Ambassador trying different answers and only seen tact rising therefore only "good " options opened in later chapters, with exception of 2 "Harsh" ones somewhere at the begining. Maybe i missed something? Thanks a lot for clarification :)